Experience Japan

Experience Japan

Experience Japan

Japan is often referred to as the land of juxtaposition where the seemingly opposite co-exist and blend to create a unique harmony. Here you can find speedy bullet trains and five minute beef bowl restaurants alongside the tranquil practice of the tea ceremony or Japanese style calligraphy.

Japan has a long and rich history, which has given us beautiful temples, shrines and traditions that are still alive and well today. In addition to the traditional culture of kimono, flower arrangement and martial arts styles is a thriving modern culture characterized by popular anime and manga, Harajuku fashion, video games and robots.

Enjoying the distinct seasons in Japan is also a spectacular opportunity to experience and enjoy this country as the locals do; having picnics under the cherry blossoms in the spring, watching fireworks in the summer and taking walks to observe the leaves changing colour in the fall.

Japanese CalligraphyJapanese SweetsJapanese CuisineKimonoDojoKatana

Japan Bus Tour

Another event exclusively for staff and instructors, the Japan bus tour is held every other year and takes everyone on a journey to explore different aspects of Japanese culture. Past trips have included hiking Mount Fuji, exploring Zazen (a form of Japanese meditation) or Shakyo (a traditional form of scripture writing) at a famous temple in Kamakura, exploring the food and culture of Hakone, etc. This is a great chance for everyone to get to know each other better and spend time together outside of the office setting.

BuddhaCalligraphyToriiExperience CultureSightseeingDelicious Food