Christmas is best spent with loved ones exchanging gifts and doing whatever else you enjoy doing. The Christmas season overall is really nice and I love it, but there are a few things I could really do without.
The first is Christmas songs. I absolutely hate Christmas songs. There are only four of them, “Last Christmas,” that horrible Mariah Carey song, “Jingle Bells,” and… I can only think of three. These horrendous songs are played non-stop in every shop everywhere. It is terrible. If there were new songs, that would be OK, but no one wants to even try to make new Christmas songs (including me).
Most Christmas movies (other than Silent Night Deadly Night 2, Die Hard and the first 2 Home Alone movies) are terrible. There are two plots. The first is about the spirit of Christmas and giving. This idea is fine, but the story is always the same – a selfish guy becomes kind. It is uninspired and predictable. The 2nd plot is that Santa is somehow real in the end after the adults tell the children Santa is not real. How have all the presents been showing up this whole time? The parents were kids once. There is no way the story makes any sense.
My ideal Christmas is a Christmas without those two things.
do without (verb phrase) – to prefer to not have
horrendous (adjective) – terrible; very bad
uninspired (adjective) – not original, the same as everything else