今回は、ワンナップ英会話が制作した英語学習書第2弾『 場面別・職種別 ビジネス英語フレーズ3200 』の中から、 ビジネスシーンで使えるカッコイイ英語フレーズをご紹介します☆ First, look ...
The topic of how I have spent my Halloween has changed throughout the years. In the early years, bac...
"Day off" 「仕事がない日の休み」 "Maternity leave" 「産休」 "Sick leave" 「病欠」 "Paid vacation" 「有給休暇」 ここで例文・・! "I'm ...
Truthfully, I don’t think the line between childish and adult things is as strong as many people thi...
今回は、ワンナップ英会話が制作した英語学習書第2弾『 場面別・職種別 ビジネス英語フレーズ3200 』 の中から仕事で使いたいカッコいいフレーズをご紹介します! "First, look at the...
Coffee is one of the world’s most beloved beverages and has a rich history. The story of coffee begi...
サラッと言えたらカッコいい!英語で「おごるよ!」を何と言うかご紹介します! "It's on me today!" 「今日は僕のおごりだよ!」 "(It's) my treat." 「私がご馳走しま...
The most childish thing I still enjoy is undeniably classic fairy tales. As a big fan of writing and...
"The leaves are changing colors." 「紅葉してきてるね~」 "I'm getting geared up for fall fasion." 「秋服楽しみになってきた!...
A dream vacation would be a vacation where time and money were not obstacles, and I would be able to...
Over the past three to four years, I have had a ridiculous amount of bad luck when it comes to buyin...
Your t-shirt is backwards!: 「Tシャツ後前だよ!」 You have something stuck in your teeth. 「歯になんかついてるよ!」 You...
By the end of this year I will have lived in Tokyo for about 15 years. Several times I have had to m...
今回は、その人がどんな性格なのかを相手に伝えたい時に 使える便利な英語フレーズをいくつかご紹介します^^! He has a big heart. 「彼は寛大な人です」 She has a lot o...
I think that this is quite an interesting question, and it really depends on really where in Japan t...
No! I was at work 「いや残業してたよ!」 Ah…well, I was going to tell you… 「あー….いや、言おうとは思ってたよ…」 I knew you ...
Are you a dog person or a cat person? Growing up in Hong Kong, I was neither. Most homes in Hong Kon...
Leaves are changing colors. 「葉っぱの色が変わってきている」 Leaves look their best right now. 「紅葉は今が一番見どころ」 Where w...
今回は「お誘いを断りたい時に使えるフレーズ」をご紹介! 一つのテーマ(シチュエーション)で、シンプルなものからネイティブレベルまで表現を段階で紹介します! Level 1 I'm OK....