In these recent years, the climate has changed. When I say that the climate has changed, I mean that...
今回は、「意見がない時に使える英語フレーズ」をシンプルなものからネイティブレベルまで表現を段階で紹介します! Level 1 “I don't know.” わからないな。 Leve...
Picture of the aptly named Renaissance Center, headquarters of General Motors. The city of Detroit h...
“I'm sweating bullets.” めっちゃ汗かいてる・・! “I'm drenched in sweat.” 汗びっしょり・・。 “I'm covered in sweat.” 汗ま...
The first time I came to Japan was during high school. It was on a family trip with my mother, my au...
今回は、仕事で使いたいカッコいいフレーズ(気遣い編)をいくつかご紹介いたします(。・3・。)! “Is there anything I can do to help?” (何か手伝えることある?)...
A wide range of organizational and human systems have been affected by the growth of the Internet an...
今回は、お祝い事があったときに使える英語フレーズをご紹介します(*^^*) “Let's celebrate!” 「これはお祝いしないと!」 “I couldn't have done it be...
With fall right around the corner, many people are bringing horror movies back into their watch cata...
春になり、桜を始めお花が見ごろになる季節ですね。 ということで今回は、お花の名前を英語でご紹介します! たんぽぽ:Dandelion ひまわり:Sun flower 紫陽花(アジサイ):Hydra...
People make a town. People drive culture. Buildings make spaces unique and beautiful. These are wort...