As time goes on, we see that originality lessens and lessens, especially in entertainment fields. So...
Reality TV shows are quite a mixed bag. There are some feel-good shows like Masterchef Australia, wh...
今回は暑い夏に使える便利フレーズをご紹介! ・An ice cold beer on a hot day is the BEST! (暑い日のキンキンに冷えたビールって最高!) ・I feel l...
Is having many good friends impossible? The question is a difficult one to answer because so much of...
My favorite Japanese athlete is Yuzuru Hanyu. He participated in the Winter Olympics this year in 20...
今回のワンフレーズはこちら・・・ ○○, and (later) ○○ 「○○のち○○」 It'll be sunny, and later rainy today, so take your u...
Winston Churchill said that history is written by the victors. I absolutely agree with this statemen...
Japan has plans to build twenty coal power plants in the next five years. These plants will emit the...
さぁ、今回のワンフレーズは・・・! ワンナップの生徒さんからのリクエストで、 お花の名前を英語でご紹介します! たんぽぽ:Dandelion ひまわり:Sun flower 紫陽花(アジサイ):H...
Children’s entertainment should be educational and for the most part I think most children’s enterta...
Last week I finally took advantage of Amazon Prime, which I still pay for but ended up not using as ...
今回のワンフレーズは・・・ どうだった?という意味です。 通常、How was it? を使う事の方が圧倒的に 多いかもしれません。 そこで敢えて今回は go を使うバージョンを紹介してみました! ...
外出中に「うわ!電池あと10%!」 なんてことみなさんも経験ありませんか?? 良くあるシチュエーションだけど 英語で何て言うんでしょうか・・・? ということで 今回は携帯に関するフレーズをご紹介し...
梅雨っぽいジメジメ感は消え去らず ジワジワと汗ばむような天気が 続いていますねo(T^T)o そんな日には、冷たいそうめん・お蕎麦 ポン酢を使ったさっぱり料理が無性に 食べたくなりますよね。 (え!...
日本では朝、「おはよ~!」と挨拶をしあいますが 英語では挨拶代わりに「How was your day?」と聞かれることが殆どです! ということで今回は、How was your day? と聞かれ...
As far as road trips go, I have had probably some of the best road trips you can have. In fact, it w...
ジメジメ、ベタベタ・・・(-_-;) まだまだ梅雨の時期は続きますが、 夏には必須の「エアコン」に 関連するフレーズを本日はご紹介します! I sleep with the air conditi...
Do you have any questions? と聞かれたときに使える表現を 今回はご紹介します! No, I am good. いいえ、大丈夫です。 No, I got it. いいえ、...
I have never been much of a gamer, but I have played a lot of sport throughout my lifetime. Neverthe...