《絶対に教科書に載ってない英語フレーズ》空港編! 「ゲートってどこ?」 Where is the gate? 「乗り場まで遠いね」 It’s a long way to the boarding ...
In Japan, there are many mountains. Some are small, some are large, and some are volcanoes. One moun...
《絶対に教科書に載ってない英語フレーズ》入学式編! 友達できるかなあ 「I hope I can make friends.」 迷子になっちゃった 「I’m lost.」 ネクタイ結べ...
英会話のレッスンや、ちょっとした雑談で しょっちゅう聞かれるこの質問。 「週末何してたの?」 今回は、言いたくても意外とパッと出てこない 週末の出来事に関する英語フレーズを、 どどんとまとめてご紹介し...
The summer I turned 21 was both the worst and most memorable of my life. It was a very dry summer. T...
Easter is one of my favorite holidays to look forward to every year. Ever since I was a child, I hav...
Despite living in this country well over five years, I have only ridden the Shinkansen once. The ver...
絶対に教科書に載ってない英語フレーズ! 居酒屋でついつい言っちゃうセリフをご紹介します とりあえずビールで! 「Can I get a beer to start off with?」 唐揚げレモ...
今回は、読書に関するフレーズをご紹介します(*^^*)! "What's that you're reading?" その読んでるやつ何? "It's a new self-help book."...
Legend is one of those cult classics that you think does not really exist. The plot is problematic a...
These days, we’re living life at the end of a pandemic and the news has been filled with so many neg...
I think being in your thirties is a good time to reflect on your life. You are old enough to have ga...
ありがとうのレパートリーを増やすべく、講師に いろいろな感謝の伝え方を聞いてみました! Thanks a million! (ほんっとにありがとう!) That is so nice of y...
教科書に出てこない英語フレーズ 「花粉症編!!」 「鼻ずまりがひどい」 I have a very stuffy nose... 「目玉出して洗いたい」 I want to wash my e...
The worst gift I ever received was at a Christmas White Elephant gift exchange in Africa. A gift exc...
The phenomenon of social media is, to me, one of the most interesting of our time. With the creation...