There are an incredible number of movies and TV shows these days. I’m pretty sure that even if I tried, I could only ever watch a small fraction of what’s out there. New movies and TV shows are produced all the time.
For sure, watching new movies and shows is exciting and fun, but sometimes you’re just in the mood for something you’ve already seen before. There’s a certain comfort about watching something in which you already know what happens, compared to something that’s unknown. I think it takes less focus and brainpower, so it’s easier to relax whilst watching it.
However, some movies and shows are more rewatchable than others. I’d like to talk about what makes a movie or show rewatchable for me personally.
First of all, there are many movies that revolve around a central plot twist. Pretty much everything that happens in these movies is a build up to that central plot twist, and when it happens, it shocks the viewer, making them remember the movie strongly. These movies are not as good to rewatch in my opinion, because they only surprise you the first time you watch them. After that first time, you might be able to get some value from the movie in that you now fully understand what is happening, but the main selling point of the movie doesn’t have much effect anymore.
TV shows also use plot twists and shock value to entertain viewers, but because they’re longer, they often also contain other strong watchable points like cool action scenes. (A good example of this would be a show like Game of Thrones, which simultaneously has exciting action and shock value.)
Action scenes are very rewatchable for me personally. If a martial arts movie has a bunch of well-choreographed action scenes, I am very likely to rewatch it. Even if I’ve seen it already, the value of those scenes doesn’t really diminish. Personally, I really like the Ip Man movies (starring Donnie Yen), a series based on a real historical person, who was actually the famous Bruce Lee’s master in the past. I’ve seen these movies before, but I would happily watch them again, as the action choreography is so good.
Drama movies that portray a character struggling through tense, difficult situations can be really compelling, and great to watch. However, in my opinion, they can be less rewatchable because you’re expecting the bad things that you know happen to the character. When first watching them, I enjoy watching the character’s journey, but after I know how it ends, I lose that motivation I had to watch it. A show I’ve yet to rewatch because of this reason is Breaking Bad. I found that finding out what happens next was a big appeal of the show, but that doesn’t apply the second time round.
One last note is that sometimes, even if it isn’t so rewatchable, you can rewatch a movie or TV show once enough time has passed since the last time you watched it. You forget details, so when you rewatch them, it’s almost like you’re experiencing them fresh again.
fraction (noun) – a piece of a whole thing
rewatchable (adjective) – enjoyable to watch for a second time
plot twist (noun) – something greatly unexpected that happens in the plot of a movie or TV show
selling point (noun) – the main feature or something that makes you want to own or experience it