If I returned to England, I would definitely miss a few things from Japan. At the moment, I live in eastern Tokyo whereas I lived in a small town in the UK. Living in Tokyo is super convenient; anything I need or want is within easy access of where I live right now. My nearest station has a lot of amenities available to me too, for example, gyms, supermarkets, shopping centers, a post office, a hospital, etc. On top of that, there are lots of places to eat. In contrast, my hometown is small! While there is a supermarket, its not really within a convenient walking distance and it is better to go by car.
I would miss the winters in Japan as they are clear and crisp. There are usually sunny spells during the winter season, and they put people in a good mood. The winters in England are very different. They are cold and wet and very grey. Very rarely do you get sunshine. It is not uncommon to go for days on days without sunlight as it is just always a grey overcast. And because there is very little sunlight, people are grumpy and disagreeable.
At first, I wouldn’t miss Japanese food but after a while I would. There is so much variety with Japanese food and Japanese cuisine is so seasonal. In winter there is nabe, in summer you can eat soba which cools you down and there is so much seasonal produce during autumn. Also, living in Tokyo there are so many restaurants to eat out at. Generally, they are very affordable and if you are on a budget, you can get a quick meal from a convenience store.
I find Japanese people are friendlier than English people. I think it’s probably because of the weather. They are polite and considerate of other people and don’t disturb the peace. If you visit London, the people there are just not friendly at all but if you go up north, they tend to be a bit more friendly. In England there are not many places to visit, and each county doesn’t have its own unique charm unlike Japan. There is always something different in each prefecture, for example, the local food or a cultural place or famous place to visit. I still haven’t been to all the prefectures yet.
Also, skiing in Japan is so easy and sometimes it is easy to find great ski deals for Hokkaido or other places. The last thing I would miss is the safety in Japan as there is very little crime over here. While I live in a small town where the most extreme form of crime is a speeding ticket, it is very different in London, which I visit quite often to meet with my friend. There are always parts of London we should avoid at night and there are always people who get way too drunk and sometimes get into fights. In London you would never see a drunk person sleeping outside in the streets because they would have all their possessions stolen.
amenity (n) – something that makes life easier or more pleasant
crisp (adj.) – pleasantly cool, fresh, and dry
sunny spells (phr.) – ocassional periods of sunshine
overcast (n) – sky covered with clouds