What TV show or movie do you want to see rebooted, remade, or reimagined?

I’d like to see the movie “Metropolis” remade. “Metropolis” was made in 1927 and was one of the first big special effects movies. It was directed by Fritz Lang, one of the great early directors. It is one of the most famous films of all time and has inspired many other films.

Usually, I don’t think it is a good idea to remake movies that are already good, but this movie is so old that I think it would be interesting if it were remade for a modern audience. The original was famous for it’s model sets showing what the future would look like. The movie has inspired many other movies like “Blade Runner” and even “Star Wars”.

It has an interesting social message that is still common to many modern movies. It is about a future society where the rich live in luxury above ground while the workers live below ground, toiling in underground factories. The main character is a rich man who learns about how the people underground suffer and eventually is able to create a compromise between the rich and the poor.

The main reason I think a remake of this movie would be cool is that it could be a retro-futurist sci-fi movie. Retrofuturism is a genre of sci-fi where the future is shown using styles and fashions of the past. For example, if the movie were remade, the future buildings could still have the Art Deco style of the 1920’s when it was made. The future technology could still use old steam powered machines. It would be cool to see the vision of the future seen in “Metropolis” shown with modern special effects.

In the original, the spectacular art deco city was great and I would like to see it with modern special effects and in color. Similarly, the underground factories and buildings would look great if they were updated with modern special effects.

In general, I’m a big fan of model effects so it would be awesome if the modern director could use models for the city and factories. Modern movies often use bigger more detailed models so the same scenes would look amazing with modern models. The original also had many tiny model planes and cars for the cities. In the remake these could of course be done easily with CGI.
Also, what might be interesting in terms of CGI might be the movie’s dream sequences and the part of the movie where the main female character tells a story. In a modern movie these could be given a new look and feel.

I can definitely imagine an updated “Metropolis” with updated special effects being very successful. Even though the original movie is very old it has a lot of things that would work well in a modern movie. I think a lot of the story and even shots would not need to be changed to make it work. I would still recommend watching the original because it is a classic movie and very important in terms of movie history.


special effect (noun) – an image or sound that is created in television, radio, or movies to represent something real (such as an explosion) or imaginary (such as a monster)
inspire (verb) – to give someone an idea for a book, play, painting, etc.
model (noun) – a smaller copy of a real object, often used to show how something works or what it looks like
toil (verb) – to do difficult work for a long time
spectacular (adjective) – causing wonder and admiration
sequence (noun) – a part of a movie, TV show, etc., that deals with one subject, action, or idea




