Can’t Live Without My Cats

I absolutely cannot live without my cats. My cats are the loves of my life. Actually, I am currently raising two cats, both American shorthairs. One is mostly white with some brown spots, while the other is covered in brown with a white belly. Both are girls and are absolutely adorable. I love them with all my heart and cannot imagine my life without them.

Right now I live in a share house and in fact this share house specifically wants cat owners. So the truth is, while I have two cats there are six in total in the whole house with only four women! There is an abundance of cat hair in this somewhat small space. Honestly though, it’s a joy to live with other cat owners who understand the hard work but also the fun that goes into raising kittens. However, the unfortunate side is that sometimes there are catfights. I am the only one with female cats, so my cats are often protective of themselves. When a male cat approaches, they frequently get into scuffles but somehow my babies end up victorious. I feel like a proud mother but, of course, I have to scold them if they do that. Another great part about living in this kind of situation is that I don’t get judged so often as I do in my life in general. I will explain.

Being a cat owner is kind of tough. A lot of times I am called a “crazy cat lady.” Admittedly, yes I am such a person but it’s a stereotype that I think we have to break. I love my cats because they provide me with emotional support. When I’m sad, the strangest thing happens. One of my cats often wanders over to me and gives me a sweet “meow”, as if to ask me, “What’s wrong mommy?” Then she jumps up onto my bed and pushes her tiny, furry head against my hand. It’s a wonderful moment when you realize, even in that instance, when you are down and depressed, there will always be something constant in my life. When I am working and get bogged down with work, I can always remember that my cats are at home waiting for my return. And when I do get home after a long day of work, open the door and drop my bags, my cats look at me and greet me before going back to sleep. I laugh every time but know they are always enthralled to see me back home, their food provider.

These are some of the reasons why I think I cannot live without these little mischievous felines. They give me so much joy that I never knew I could get from a non-talking life form. So thank you, Sage and Athena for giving me so many things just by being you. I promise to love you and give you all I have so you can live great lives where you can eat and sleep (and repeat).



abundance (adj.) – a large amount of something
scuffle (n) – a brief fight, usually not very serious
bog down (v phr.) – to have so much of something that it impedes your progress or prevents you from moving forward
enthrall (v) – to hold the attention of (someone) by being very exciting, interesting or beautiful
mischievous (adj.) – showing a playful desire to cause trouble




