Childish Things I Enjoy

Truthfully, I don’t think the line between childish and adult things is as strong as many people think. There are of course things that I think should be considered bad and childish and there are also things that are considered childish that should not be considered childish at all.
In terms of bad things that I consider childish, I think throwing a temper tantrum is very childish for anybody who is an adult. People who easily get angry and easily berate other people are very childish in a bad way and such behavior should always be discouraged. I think that adults should always try to be diplomatic and try to talk things through.

On the other hand, having “childish” interests and hobbies should not be a problem. There are some people who think that adults should be very boring, they should not do anything silly or something that is not serious. I know plenty of people who have supposedly childish hobbies such as cosplay or other things kids like. I don’t think there is any problem. If it makes them happy and it does not hurt anybody, I don’t really see why it should be considered childish.

In terms of myself, I certainly enjoy a lot of children’s movies, books, and TV shows. Often, I don’t see a huge line between children’s literature and adult literature. Some “children’s books” can be quite deep, and some “adult books” can be quite shallow. I think that often “children’s novels” show a lot more creativity and imagination than a lot of adult novels which make them more exciting to read. I think a lot of adults think this way because a lot of children’s books such as Harry Potter also have become very popular with adults.

It is the same with a lot of children’s TV shows and movies. I think that the freedom of children’s movies to do whatever they want without having to be serious or realistic allows many of them to have much more interesting and creative stories. In fact, I find a lot of adult films a bit boring and serious with predictable storylines.

In a similar sense, I like joking and feel that I like to joke a lot. However, I’m not sure if my sense of humor would be considered childish. Most people describe my sense of humor as being “dad jokes”. I suppose a childish sense of humor would be doing things like pranks which I consider rude and childish.

Part of the issue here is what we mean by childish. I think that children and adults both have good and bad points. Children might have temper tantrums and are more selfish than adults. On the other hand, sometimes children have more open minds, and it is easier for them to learn new ideas and change. They can be more creative and think in different ways, which is a very good thing. I think people should be less childish in some ways and more childish in others.


tantrum (noun) – a short period of very angry behavior, usually because someone cannot have something
berate (verb) – to speak angrily to someone
diplomatic (adjective) – good at dealing with people without upsetting them
shallow (adjective) – not deep; not showing any interest in serious ideas
predictable (idiom) – happening or behaving in a way that you expect and not unusual or interesting
prank (noun) – a trick that is intended to be funny



